Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday's Wild/Warrior Workout -- Deck of Cards

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don't give up." —Confucius

As you've guessed by now, I'm taking this deck of cards workout theme throughout the week.

This one is going to be intense and challenging, but remember as Confucius says, don't give up!

To see how it works, refer to Monday's post.

Here are the exercises:

Hearts:  Push ups-- regular or modified keeping the butt down, back flat and head in line with the neck.

Diamonds:  Burpees (with our without the push up, depending on how you feel).  Keep your back flat as you squat--see how she keeps her head up until she jumps back into plank and then her back remains flat as she returns to the squat.  If these are too intense, they can be done using a sturdy coffee table, chair, or even the the bottom stair step--being higher makes these easier.  You can also step the feet back and in one at a time as fast as you can instead of jumping the feet out and in.


Clubs:   Tricep Dips  Level 1 -- knees bent, level 2-- legs extended.

Your hands should be in line with your bottom and your elbows pointing back behind you.  Remember bend and straighten the elbows, keeping your legs and bottom out of it, use the arms to do the lifting.  Keep the shoulders down from your ears, and your abs and glutes tight.  If it gets too intense, just hold it at the top and count the seconds slowly for reps.

Spades:  Squat Jacks

Stay low on these.  To modify--staying low, step the foot out wider and back one at a time (this would be one rep)


Plank jacks for 1 minute.  These can be done on forearms or with straight arms.  Again, make sure to keep your bottom down.  You should have a straight line from your head to your heels.  To modify step the feet out side to side one at a time.

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