Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday's Stretch and Flexibility -- Meditation Music

Today, rather than post a stretching video, I decided to post a link to some great meditation music that you can do your own stretching routine to.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday's Total Body/Cardio -- Kickbox for Weightloss

Today's workout comes from Janis Saffell who has her own channel on YouTube. She is known for kickboxing workouts.

This video is from a workshop/class similar to one that I might go to for continuing education.  It doesn't have the sound quality like a workout video that is produced for in-home workouts, but the energy of doing this to a live crowd is there. It's more like a real class that you would take at a club or fitness center.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday's Motivation and Challenge of the Week

Happy Monday!!!

I hope everyone had an awesome Mother's Day, whether you are a mother yourself, or celebrated your own mother, or in my case, both!

Challenge of the Week:  Find a workout buddy  Whether it be your spouse, your child, friend or even the family pooch, find someone to work out with.  Go for a walk or run, sign up for a class, go for a bike ride, even do commercial break squats together!  Studies show that when you have someone depending on you, you will work out even when you really don't want to.  Works for me, if I don't show up to teach my class...there is no class! hahaha