Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Something Different Saturday -- 6 Week Boot Camp -- Train like an Olympian

Today's workout is Day 1 of a 6 week boot camp program that I found at efit30 on youtube.  This program includes a diet plan, or you can follow your own from myfitnesspal, weight watchers, etc.

The nutritionist suggests that you write down everything you eat for the week before you start the program to find areas that need to be addressed and then continue writing down or keeping track on line of everything you eat thereafter. She also suggests (like I did yesterday) to write down your goals.  Why are you doing this?  What do you want to accomplish?

Recipes are included, but fyi--efit30 is based in Australia, so recipes will be in different measurements.

The first video I'm posting contain instructions for week 1 of the program.

The second video is the Day 1  workout.  This is a cardio based workout that does 20 seconds of work and 20 seconds rest.  She doesn't do much of a warm up, so take the extra 5 minutes to do the warm up posted on the right side bar.  She does take the time to stretch at the end.

Here's a link to the whole program which includes links to the diet plan:  6 Week Boot Camp -- Train Like an Olympian

BeFit in 90:  BeFit in 90 -- Day 25

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Friday's Facts and Findings --Keys to Success

Today's post is based on keys to a successful weight loss journey.  The following are some of the things that I have found help people the most.  These aren't in any particular order.  I just wrote them as they came to me.

Set realistic and specific goals.  You have to start with goals, both long term and, more importantly, short term.  General goals like, "I want to lose weight", or "I want to look better" aren't specific enough, and goals like "I want to lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks" or "I want to drop 5 sizes in 2 weeks" aren't realistic.  Goals like these will just set you up to fail.  It didn't take 2 weeks to put the weight on, so don't expect it to come off that quickly, especially if you want to keep it off.

So, your long term goal might be something like this: "I'd like to lose 5-10 pounds by next month" or "I'd like to go down a size or 2 by next month."  Keep the goal reachable--if you only have 5 pounds to lose--this goal is going to be tougher to reach.  You could add on a longer goal as well, say "I'd like to lose x amount in 6 months."

Short term goals would be along the lines of "I plan to work out for at least 20 minutes every day this week" or "I will eat a healthy breakfast everyday."  Your short term goals do not have to be weight related.  Especially at the beginning of a weight loss program, if you are strength training, you may not see a huge change on the scale.  Your clothes, however, will start to get looser indicating that something good is going on.   Try to add on a new short term goal each week.

Eat breakfast everyday, and don't skip meals.  Yes, you will need to lower your calorie intake in order to lose weight, but that doesn't mean you should be skipping meals.  Your body needs fuel to function.  If you deprive it of that fuel, it won't necessarily go into your fat stores to find it, it will instead go into starvation mode and hang onto every calorie you put into your body, thus slowing your metabolism down.

Breakfast is an especially important meal.  Think about it, if dinner, or even a light snack after is the last thing you eat, it's at least 8 to 10 hours until you get up in the morning.  If you skip breakfast and wait until noon to eat, that could be potentially 15 hours since your last meal.  Your body is not happy.  If you regularly skip breakfast, you probably are either a 4:00 in the afternoon, or a late night snacker.  This is your body's way of trying to make up for the calories you didn't consume earlier.  Breakfast does not have to be a big deal and it doesn't have to be "breakfast" food.  If you don't like eggs or cereal, have a sandwich.  If you just can't stomach a big meal in the morning, make a smoothie or have some Greek yogurt, but eat something and then you can have a bigger snack an hour or two later to bridge the gap.

Find healthier options that you enjoy eating.  Healthy eating doesn't mean that you can never eat pizza or ice cream again.  Healthy eating doesn't mean that you are going to be forced to live on rabbit food for the rest of your life.  Trust me, there are healthier options out there for everything that you love to eat.  Cooking things yourself is the easiest way to do this.  With the help of the internet, finding recipes that include healthier alternatives is easy.  Will there be failures, of course.  But you will also find things that work.  In my opinion, a tootsie roll will never be a substitute for a chocolate craving, but a piece of dark chocolate (yes, I can eat just one) or a chocolate pudding or yogurt cup works for me.

If you eat out a lot or do fast food, I suggest you look into the Eat This, Not That website (linked on the right sidebar).  You'll be surprised to know that the McDonald's McDouble isn't completely ruled out--just rethink those fries.  If you have it with a Fruit n Yogurt Parfait instead, your lunch is only 550 calories (if you order it without cheese, it's even less) and it only cost $2.00.  The McDouble is actually less calories than the Classic Grilled Chicken Sandwich.  If you have to have the fries--order a Hamburger happy meal.  It's all about substitutions.

Know what a portion is.  This one is actually quite easy.  A portion of protein should be the size of your palm, a portion of carbs, the size of your fist and a portion of fat, the size of your thumb.  Remember, most vegetables are freebies--eat as much as you like (they also keep your plate looking full--remember 1/2 your plate should be veggies), just don't load on the butter or salad dressing.  The exception to the freebies are starchy veggies like potatoes and corn.  Eating enough fruit is important too.

Eat protein with every meal and snack.  Eating a bit of protein with every meal will help keep you fuller longer.  It takes the body longer to break down the protein.  Some good snack options that incorporate protein are:  a small apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter or a piece of string cheese, hummus with whole wheat crackers or pretzels, greek yogurt with berries mixed in, etc.

Keep track of what you eat, and what you do.  Keeping a food and exercise journal is important to keep you on track with both your eating and fitness goals.  If you have it written down, you can see where things are working and where they are not.  This will allow you to continually tweak things when they aren't working, and understand what things are.  It also holds you accountable.  Sometimes you may stop and ask yourself, "Do I really want to write that down?"  "Maybe I should eat something else instead."

Stop drinking your calories.  Calories from sugary drinks like pop and juice and alcoholic drinks can add up fast.  Drink more water and tea (a cup or two of black coffee is okay as well).  Add slices of frozen lemon, lime or orange to your water or tea.  I also like the LaCroix flavored carbonated water, just be careful, carbonated beverages can cause bloating.

Do not use artificial sweeteners.  More and more studies are showing that people who use artificial sweeteners have a harder time losing weight.

From WebMD:  June 30, 2004 -- Sugar substitutes may offer sweet treats for calorie-conscious dieters, but a new study shows that they may also play tricks on the body and sabotage weight-loss efforts.
Researchers say artificial sweeteners may interfere with the body's natural ability to count calories based on a food's sweetness and make people prone to overindulging in other sweet foods and beverages.
For example, drinking a diet soft drink rather than a sugary one at lunch may reduce the calorie count of the meal, but it may trick the body into thinking that other sweet items don't have as many calories either.
Researchers say the findings show that losing the ability to judge a food's calorie content based on its sweetness may be contributing to the dramatic rise inoverweight and obesity rates in the U.S.

This does not mean you should drink regular pop. If you must use a sweetener, use stevia.

Put exercise on your calendar.  We put other important things on our calendars.  Exercise is important!  Join a class, or make workout plans with a buddy to hold yourself more accountable.

Find activities you enjoy.  If you hate what you are doing for exercise, I guarantee you that you will not stick with it for very long.  Do you like being around other people?  Then a class would be good for you.  Are you competitive?  Then some sort of team or individual sport might be your best option.  Do you like to dance?  Find a club or class that is dance based.  Just ask yourself what you like to do--there's a class, team or group out there to do it with!

Mix it up.  If you are doing the same routine day in a day out, you will either a) get bored and quit or b) plateau and get frustrated that you can't lose any more weight and quit.  Try new things.  No one says you have to change forever.  If you love to bike, do that, but once in a while take a hike instead.  If you love to swim, change it up by running your laps once in a while--the water provides great resistance and you use your muscles in a completely different way.

Surround yourself with supportive people.  This is a big one that I've talked about before.  Stay away from people who want to sabotage what you are doing.  Let them know if they are doing or saying something that you feel gets in the way of your health and fitness goals.  Ask them for their support.  If they give it, great, if not, stay away from them if you can.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Thursday Total Body -- 40-Minute Bikini Body Workout

Personally, I hate the name of this workout.  I could work out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and never be bikini ready!  After having four kids, my bikini days are over (not that I ever really wore one), but that doesn't mean I can't rock the tankini or one-piece and so can you!  Remember though, it's not all about exercise; eating a healthy diet is a must as well.

If you are a beginner, or getting back into exercise, the warm up in this workout is a bit intense.  Go ahead a do the warm up video that I have linked at the lower right side bar--it will add 5 minutes to your workout, but you'll be more ready to work, which is not a bad thing.

You need a set of dumbbells for this workout.

40 Minute Bikini Body Workout

BeFit in 90 --BeFit in 90 -- Day 23

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Wednesday's Wild Workout -- Burpee Madness

Today's wild workout is only 11 minutes long, but it's CRAZY!!!  It's a 100 burpee challenge--yes, 100!!!
You can burn 8 -14 calories per minute doing this challenge!

The wild workouts I post are more intense and advanced.  However, you can modify a burpee by putting your hands on a sturdy coffee table or chair instead of coming all the way to the floor.  You can also modify by taking one foot and then the other out and back at a time instead of jumping both together.

It's really important that you are well warmed up before doing this challenge.  I would do this challenge in the middle of a cardio or strength workout for a calorie burning burst.

100 Burpee Challenge

BeFit in 90 -- BeFit in 90 -- Day 22

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Tuesday's Trunk and Core -- Define Your Waistline with Pilates

I can't say enough about how great Pilates is for your core and your entire body.  This short routine  from really hones in on your abdominals, obliques and lower back.  Don't forget to do some cardio as well,  to burn calories and the fat that is covering up those awesome abs!

Please start with a warm up.  You can then do some cardio work and then this routine, or if you don't have a lot of time, just do this routine.  Follow up with a lower body stretch.

Pilates Abs, Define Your Waistline

For BeFit in 90:  BeFit in 90 -- Day 21

Monday, June 3, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Monday's Muscle Work -- Bob Harper's Lunge Challenge

As I've stated before, lunges are one of the best exercises you can do to tone your lower body.  When doing a lunge, you are working your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and core.  If you add side to side direction, your abductors and adductors are also working.  

The problem with lunges, is that a lot of people do them incorrectly.  It is extremely important that you keep your body in proper alignment when doing a lunge.  Your chest should be up, your shoulders down and back, your knees should be in line with your ankles (not over your feet).  As you lunge, you should feel your back knee bending toward the ground (it does not have to touch the ground) at a 90 degree angle. Look at the picture above, she has perfect form.

***If you have knee problems/pain, DO NOT do this challenge.  Change the lunges to squats instead.  Squats will help get the muscles surrounding your knees stronger so that eventually you will be able to lunges with proper form and be pain free.  I included an additional video on the destruction of a squat--to show the proper form for that.

Please make sure you are warmed up before doing this challenge.  It would be great to do as part of a circuit--do some cardio first, then the challenge and then some more cardio.  Lunges are aerobic as well, so your heart rate will stay up the entire time.

Bob Harper's Lunge Challenge

Deconstruction of a squat

For those following BeFit in 90:  BeFit in 90 -- Day 19

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Sunday Recipe Share -- Healthy Flank Steak Recipes

Steak with Cucumber Radish Salad

Summer and grilled steak, yes, you can be watching what you eat and still eat steak!  Flank steak is one of the leanest cuts of beef you can eat.  Because of that though, you have to be very careful not to overcook it.  It's really better if cooked to medium at the most ( I prefer medium-rare, but that's me).

I was going to feature just one recipe, but came across these 18 recipes from Cooking Light.  I could not decide on just one, so I opted to post the link to all of them.  I'm definitely going to be trying many of these this Summer.

In a pinch, you can sub round steak for flank steak, especially if it's on sale, just be sure to trim any fat from around the edges--either before or after you cook it.

Grilled Steak with Fresh Mango Salsa

Here's the link to all the recipes:  Healthy Flank Steak Recipes