Friday, April 25, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday's Total Body/Cardio -- Tone it All in 10 Minutes Tabata

Today's workout comes from POPSUGAR.  It is a 10 minute tabata style workout that takes you through two four minute rounds of two exercises.  These exercises are alternated for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest doing each exercise four times total.

A short warm up is included.  No special equipment is needed except for an optional mat/carpeted area.  She starts out with the modified version and picks it up from there.  Do the highest level you can while maintaining proper form.

There is no cool down or stretch, please do those on your own.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday's Wild/Warrior Workout -- Chiseled Cardio Plyometrics

This workout from LiveExercise has both cardiovascular and conditioning exercises.  It is done boot camp style.

Skip the static stretches at the beginning.  Dynamic stretches (moving while you stretch) are better at the beginning of a workout, static stretches are better at the end.

You need a jump rope and 1 or 2 resistance bands.  If you don't have a rope, jump in place.  If you don't have a strap to put your band up high or low--do the exercises without the resistance or use dumb bells where you can.

On the sit ups--keep the elbows back and the feet on the floor.  She is cheating big time by picking up her foot.  If you can't come up without lifting your feet up, then only come up part way.  If coming up all the way bothers your back, then only come up part way as well.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday's Trunk and Core -- POP Pilates: Intense Ab Workout

Today's workout comes from Cassey Ho of blogilates.  It is an intense 10 minute workout that focuses on the abdominal muscles.  Make sure you warm up a bit first before doing this workout.  You could also do this at the end of a cardio or other strength training workout as well.

Questions/comments?  I'd love to hear them!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday's Motivation + Challenge of the Week

Happy Monday!!!

Here's this week's challenge:  Ask me some questions!  Read the blog daily and then post your comments and/or questions on the blog site or on my facebook page Lois' Health and Fitness Blend.

If your question/s have nothing to do with what I post, so what, ask anyway!  And remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question.