Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Saturday's Stretch and Flexibility -- Cultural Conditioning Yoga

As you can see, I've changed Saturday's post from "Something Different" to "Stretch and Flexibility."  I keep harping about how important it is to stretch, yet I don't post many stretch or flexibility workouts.  Well, today that changes permanently!  

I've posted before how important flexibility exercises are and the benefits of doing them.

Here's a challenge for you...I challenge you to not only do proper stretching after your cardio and/or strength training workouts, I also challenge you to do a workout at least once a week that is dedicated solely to stretching and flexibility--they will be easy to find because I will be posting one every Saturday :)

Because I teach 3-4 classes on Monday, I tend to this type of workout on Tuesday because my muscles are usually pretty tight and also need a break.  Do this workout on the day after your more intense workout--your muscles and your brain will thank you.

So, this past Tuesday I was scrolling through my YouTube channels and came across this yoga class from Namaste Yoga with Melissa West.  I  posted another one of her workouts in the past, but this one really caught my eye.  It is from her Cultural Conditioning series and it's called Obsession with Thin (there are 10 videos in the series).  From her website:

"Cultural Conditioning is the social process in which authority figures such as parents, professors, politicians, religious leaders, peers, and the media define our cultural values, beliefs, ethical systems, and ultimately the way we perceive ourselves in the world. Advertising is a $200 billion industry. We are exposed to three thousand advertisements a day. They are quick, cumulative and they appeal to our subconscious mind. Consciously we believe we are not affected by these media images of the ideal body that tells us who we should be, but they are designed to affect us at a subconscious level thousands of times a day."

I don't know about you, but in my profession I feel like I do have to look a certain way.  How would it look if the fitness instructor doesn't look really fit?  I struggle with this a lot.  I did have some weight issues when I was in my teens and I still never seemed to be happy with where I was weight and size wise until it was too late.

I see pictures of myself when I was thinner and I can now say, "Hey, I didn't look so bad,"  but that's not how I saw myself then. I'm am just now starting to except me the way I am and I can confidently say that I look pretty good for a 52 year old mother of 4!!!  More so, I feel stronger than ever--and a lot of that comes from yoga.

This workout is different from some of the other yoga workouts I've posted--and actually most of the ones I do--I tend to do more athletic yoga.  This one is more meditative and reflective--and it is awesome.  It is not a flow-type yoga, these poses are held quite a bit longer--there are actually only about 6 or 7 poses in total.  In this type of class you are called to reflect and meditate on something and to feel your body's response while you are holding the poses.

As I said, I did this class on Tuesday and felt great--my body got some greatly needed long stretching and opening up and I was able to reflect about the way I feel thinness is portrayed in the media and how it affects me and my job. 

Again, the subject for this class is:  Obsession With Thin

She recommends that you have a bolster, yoga block and strap.  I used 2 pillows stacked for the bolster, you can use more pillows for the blocks and I used a belt for the strap.

One note, once you are in Reclined Goddess pose on the bolster, stay there while she talks and just listen to what she is saying.  She'll let you know when  it's time to get up.

Also, when she does Cow Face, make sure you switch your legs (she does end up doing the same leg twice, but she does switch her arms correctly).

Here's is a link to her website:  Namaste Yoga 173

It has in print everything that she reads while you are lying down.  It also shows each of the poses that are done.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Friday's Facts and Findings -- Working Out on the Treadmill

This article is from and it lists some of the top mistakes people make when working out on the treadmill.

Here's a summary of the article, listing each mistake:

1.  You crane your neck to watch the TV.  This one is more prevalent if you are at a gym.  If you watch TV at home while on the treadmill, make sure it is more at eye level.

2.  You zone out.  If you are watching TV or reading during your workout, you stop paying attention to what you're doing.  If you can't do the workout without the distraction of the TV, then use the commercials for some interval training.  Either rev up the speed or adjust the incline to a higher level during the commercial break.  When the show comes back on, go back to your usual workout speed and incline.

3.  You do the same thing over and over again.  This is a mistake that many people make no matter what their workout routine is.  You need to change things up.  If you do the same workout over and over, you body eventually becomes too conditioned.  You don't have to change pieces of equipment (although that is a great option), just vary your speed, incline and length of workout from day to day.  Make one day longer at a slower pace, make one day easy intervals and make another high intensity intervals, and don't forget to throw some hills in there by adjusting your incline.

4.  You skip your warm up.  This is a big one.  You need to take the time to let your body get adjusted to the change in activity.  It is not healthy to jump on the treadmill and go right into a high speed and/or incline.  This goes for any type of exercise.  If it wasn't important, we wouldn't have you do it.

5.  You hold the bars.  When you hold the bars of the treadmill, you are essentially cheating.  If you feel that you have to hold on, then lower the speed until you are comfortable letting go--even though you're going slower, you'll burn more calories because you are holding up your entire body weight.

6.  You set the incline too high.  As stated above, don't set the incline so high that you have to hang onto the bars to do the work.  The incline should only be as high as a realistic hill.

7.  You trust the settings.  The calories burned and other settings are just averages.  If you are working out to your fullest potential, these things will follow.  Forget about them.

8.  You jump off at moving speed.  Slow the treadmill down (you should be doing this anyway for your cooldown).  Move your feet to the sides of the track only when it's slow enough to do so by stepping off.

I'm throwing one in of my own--
9.  You don't do a proper cool down/stretch.  By now I hope you know how important I feel this is!  You need to do this for EVERY workout!

Here's a link to the full article:  Eight Treadmill Mistakes

Another article that was linked to this one is entitled:  10 Treadmill Tricks to Burn More Fat

Several of these tips can be incorporated into any type of workout such as:

1.  10-20-30--this one has to do with intensity--on a treadmill,  it would mean jog for 30 secs, run for 20 and sprint for 10--progressing in speed and intensity for a less amount of time.  This could be done on a bike, elliptical, or even jumping rope.

2.  Cross train--do something different!!!

3.  Do Circuits--add some strength training to your workout in intervals.

4.  Change Direction--try walking sideways--this can be done outside on a path too.

5.  Use Proper Form--this goes for ALL workouts, ALL the time, nuff said!

6.  Run or Walk Hills--use the incline button!!! Better yet, find someplace outside.  I live by a golf course that has a walking path with a hill on it called "Payton's Hill" because Walter Payton used to run up and down it to train.  It's so much better than walking on a zero elevation path.

A safety note about tip 9...I agree, do not use dumbbells while on the treadmill.  If you don't have a medicine ball, you can hold one weight in front of your chest.

One more note, I'm not so sure that following tip 10 is very good for your treadmill--I wouldn't recommend doing that one.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Thursday's Total Body -- 20 Minute Cardio Power Sculpt

Today's workout comes from BeFit GO.  It is part of a summer shape-up challenge.

These are workouts that can be downloaded to a mobile device, so you can take your workout with you wherever you go.

This workout is 20 minutes long and is a cardio circuit that consists of  heart pounding aerobic exercises along with muscle sculpting exercises to give a total body workout.

You will need a set of dumbbells and a kettlebell if you have one--if you don't, perform the high pull using dumbbells--please keep your elbows in line with your shoulders as you pull up and back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.  Do not raise your elbows high like he does.

As always, modify when needed.  The warm up is only 2 minutes long, please do a longer warm up first, same with the cooldown and stretch.  These are both for your own safety and I have videos conveniently located on the right sidebar--or do your own, just please do them!

Here's a calendar for their summer shape up challenge.  Again, if you have a mobile device, you can download these workouts and have them with you.  Sorry it's so small--if you want to see it better, here's a link:  Summer Shape Up Calendar

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Wednesday's Wild/Warrior Workout -- Spartan 500

The movie "300" is one of my sons' favorite movies.  I'm not into the blood and guts aspect of this movie, but I do have to say, the Spartans are ripped!!!

Today's workout from FitnessBlender is called Spartan 500.  It is a 500 repetition workout that consists of 5 exercises doing 10 reps each for 10 rounds.  It is about 17 minutes long.   No extra equipment is needed.

There is no warm up or cooldown provided, so please do those on your own.  Again, you can find these videos lower down on the right side bar (do the full body stretch, but walk around a bit first to bring your heart rate down).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Tuesday's Trunk and Core - BeFit in 90 -- Day 34

For today's workout, I chose to post Day 34 of the BeFit in 90 program.

As usual, it consists of four videos.  It includes an abs and arms section and a cardio booster, both are important when your goal is stronger and more toned abs.  You've got to burn the fat that's covering the muscles underneath!  This picture says it all!!!

Video 1 is your 4 minute warm up (which I've posted before):

Video 2 is 10 minutes long and is entitled Six Pack Abs and Arms:

Video 3 is also 10 minutes long and is entitled Cardio Booster:

Video 4 is your 9-1/2 minute Sports Stretch:

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Monday's Muscle Work --Power Step, Bi's, Tri's and Thighs

I teach a lot of step classes.  I'm kind of sad that the trend is fading in most health clubs and fitness centers.  It is a great piece of equipment that provides a great workout.  I'm glad though that some of the interval classes still incorporate it for some exercises.

Today's video is from RealFitTV.  It is a 40 minute workout that incorporates the step in both cardio and strength training sections.

If you don't have a step, you can do the entire workout on the floor.  Some of the lifts can be done off of a bottom stair if you want to make it a bit more challenging.  The step actually makes push ups easier, the higher your upper body is, the easier they are.  So you can always do these up against a wall if the floor version is too advanced.  Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body--these push ups are focusing on your triceps more than your pecs, even though they are working as well.

You don't have to use plates, you can use hand weights for the bicep work.

I couldn't get the video to show up right here, but here's a link that will take you directly to the workout: