Friday, July 19, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Friday's Facts and Findings -- Working Out on the Treadmill

This article is from and it lists some of the top mistakes people make when working out on the treadmill.

Here's a summary of the article, listing each mistake:

1.  You crane your neck to watch the TV.  This one is more prevalent if you are at a gym.  If you watch TV at home while on the treadmill, make sure it is more at eye level.

2.  You zone out.  If you are watching TV or reading during your workout, you stop paying attention to what you're doing.  If you can't do the workout without the distraction of the TV, then use the commercials for some interval training.  Either rev up the speed or adjust the incline to a higher level during the commercial break.  When the show comes back on, go back to your usual workout speed and incline.

3.  You do the same thing over and over again.  This is a mistake that many people make no matter what their workout routine is.  You need to change things up.  If you do the same workout over and over, you body eventually becomes too conditioned.  You don't have to change pieces of equipment (although that is a great option), just vary your speed, incline and length of workout from day to day.  Make one day longer at a slower pace, make one day easy intervals and make another high intensity intervals, and don't forget to throw some hills in there by adjusting your incline.

4.  You skip your warm up.  This is a big one.  You need to take the time to let your body get adjusted to the change in activity.  It is not healthy to jump on the treadmill and go right into a high speed and/or incline.  This goes for any type of exercise.  If it wasn't important, we wouldn't have you do it.

5.  You hold the bars.  When you hold the bars of the treadmill, you are essentially cheating.  If you feel that you have to hold on, then lower the speed until you are comfortable letting go--even though you're going slower, you'll burn more calories because you are holding up your entire body weight.

6.  You set the incline too high.  As stated above, don't set the incline so high that you have to hang onto the bars to do the work.  The incline should only be as high as a realistic hill.

7.  You trust the settings.  The calories burned and other settings are just averages.  If you are working out to your fullest potential, these things will follow.  Forget about them.

8.  You jump off at moving speed.  Slow the treadmill down (you should be doing this anyway for your cooldown).  Move your feet to the sides of the track only when it's slow enough to do so by stepping off.

I'm throwing one in of my own--
9.  You don't do a proper cool down/stretch.  By now I hope you know how important I feel this is!  You need to do this for EVERY workout!

Here's a link to the full article:  Eight Treadmill Mistakes

Another article that was linked to this one is entitled:  10 Treadmill Tricks to Burn More Fat

Several of these tips can be incorporated into any type of workout such as:

1.  10-20-30--this one has to do with intensity--on a treadmill,  it would mean jog for 30 secs, run for 20 and sprint for 10--progressing in speed and intensity for a less amount of time.  This could be done on a bike, elliptical, or even jumping rope.

2.  Cross train--do something different!!!

3.  Do Circuits--add some strength training to your workout in intervals.

4.  Change Direction--try walking sideways--this can be done outside on a path too.

5.  Use Proper Form--this goes for ALL workouts, ALL the time, nuff said!

6.  Run or Walk Hills--use the incline button!!! Better yet, find someplace outside.  I live by a golf course that has a walking path with a hill on it called "Payton's Hill" because Walter Payton used to run up and down it to train.  It's so much better than walking on a zero elevation path.

A safety note about tip 9...I agree, do not use dumbbells while on the treadmill.  If you don't have a medicine ball, you can hold one weight in front of your chest.

One more note, I'm not so sure that following tip 10 is very good for your treadmill--I wouldn't recommend doing that one.

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