The routine's format is as follows (from the video):
Part 1: Complete 4 rounds of the following exercises (50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) for a 20 minute workout
1) Speed Skaters
2) 4x Supermans, 4x Tricep pushups
3) 4x switch lunge, 4x squat jump
4) 4x lateral jumps (1 legged), 1 burpee
5) 4x side plank toe touches, 4x crab toe touches
8 Minute Ab Challenge: Complete 2 rounds of the following exercises (50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)
1) 4/4/4 (crunch, pulse & static hold)
2) tuck abs over ball
3) oblique twists
4) swimmer abs
She goes over each of the moves first and gives modifications.
There is no warm up or cool down. Please do those on your own.
Here's another 5 minute bonus video:
Crazy 5 Minute Home Cardio Workout