Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wild/Warrior Wednesday -- Get Fit Fast Cardio

Today's wild workout comes from a new channel I found--GetFitFastSupps on YouTube.  It is a non-stop 40 minute crazy cardio workout that will burn potentially up to 1,000 calories or more.
Recommended equipment: a jump rope, mat and water.
This is an intense workout--which is why I posted it on Wild Wednesday--work at your own level and pace, pushing yourself as hard as you can.  Take extra breaks if you need them.
One safety cue, on the double leg lift/lower: make sure to keep your lower back down--don't take your legs as low if it strains your back--it's not worth the risk.
Some of the moves are crazy hard, it something gets too intense, do jumping jacks instead.
IMPORTANT:  There is no cool down or stretch--it's really important that you do those on your own!  Walk around, let your heart rate come down for about 3 minutes and then do a full body stretch.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday's Trunk and Core -- Kill that Muffintop

As I've stated before, you cannot spot reduce, but you can spot tone.  In order to truly "kill" that muffintop, you need to eat clean and do regular cardio and strength training as well; the more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you will burn on a daily basis = higher metabolism.

Today's workout comes from Cassey Ho's Pilates Bootcamp Series on LivestrongWoman.
There is no warm up, please do one yourself.  The workout is called Kill that Muffintop for Beginners.  She uses a dumbbell, but if you are a beginner, do it without first.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday's Muscle Work -- Upper Body and Abs Supersets

Doing supersets is a great way to get a strength training workout in in less time.  Instead of doing a set of one exercise, resting and then doing another set, you go right into a second exercise for a different muscle group, so while you are doing the second exercise, the muscles used in the first exercise get their rest.   You then repeat your second superset in the same way.

Today's workout comes from FitnessBlender.  It alternates between upper body and abdominal/core exercises to make up the supersets.  The upper body exercise is done for 10 reps, the core exercises are 20 reps, then both exercises are repeated.

There is a total of 6 groups of exercises.

A cool down and stretch are included, but not a warm up, please do that on your own.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday's Recipe Share -- Green Smoothies

As promised, here are some of my favorite green smoothie recipes--mine are all grain and dairy free, I usually add about 1 tsp of flax seed to each of my smoothies as well.  You can easily add some Greek yogurt if you tolerate it.  Please read my blog from Friday for some important info regarding green smoothies.

Mango Mint-jito

1 c. mango
2 c lettuce greens
5 large mint leaves
juice of ½ lemon
juice of ½ lime
1 banana (optional)

Black Melon

½ c watermelon
½ c honeydew
½ c cantaloupe
½ c blackberries
2 handfuls fresh spinach
1 banana (opt)

Tropical Sun

2 bulbs bok choy
1 orange, peeled
1 c coconut water
1 c pineapple
1 banana

Pumpkin Pie

1 c pumpkin
2 T. almond butter
2 c. spinach
1 c frozen blueberries
1 frozen banana

Chocolate Banana Sunbutter

1 frozen banana
1-2 Tbs. of sunbutter
1 Tbs. cocoa powder
1 handful of spinach
1 c. full fat coconut milk
1 pkg. powdered stevia or 1 Tbs. honey (opt)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (opt--no sweetener needed if using this)

Really, the sky is the limit--there are lots of recipes out there if you look.