Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Something Different Saturday: Cycling

Today marks my 100th post on this blog!  I really can't believe it!  Thanks to everyone who reads it.

Over the next 100 posts, I'd really appreciate more feedback, either here or on my facebook page:  Lois' Health and Fitness Blend facebook page.  Let me know if there's something you want me to address.

Today's workout is for all the bikers out there--no black leather required!  If you have a stationary bike and you normally watch TV and ride at a steady speed, then do I have a workout challenge for you!  Doing intervals for less time is actually more beneficial than riding at a steady speed longer (unless you're training for a long ride); you'll burn more fat and calories overall.

If you only ride a bike outdoors, you can still take the premise of this workout with you.  Most cycling classes are interval classes--you ride hard and fast for a specific period of time, you slow it down and recover, or you simulate hills by increasing the tension on your bike, making it harder to pedal, and then recover, or a combination of both.  If you ride in a hilly area, the intervals are built right in for you.

You can find free workout mixes on Itunes that you can download onto your mp3 player and they will cue you either verbally or by a sound indicating a speed change--the tempo of the music will change as well.  These mixes will work whether you are riding inside or outside.

A couple of form/safety issues:  First, make sure you have your seat adjusted correctly.  You should be able to extend your leg fully.  Second, as you pedal, sit back into the seat--you should be sitting on your sits bones, not toward the front--this really helps with soreness/numbness.  If you ride regularly, invest in a padded seat cover and/or padded bike shorts.  Third, if you ride for long periods of time, or if you have issues with carpel tunnel syndrome, invest in a pair of gel padded gloves.  Also remember to grip the handlebars lightly and don't lean into the base of your palms on them either--both can create or aggravate wrist/carpel tunnel issues.  Lastly, try not to round your back too much.  Come up tall now and again to give it a stretch.  Keeping your navel drawn in will help protect your back as well.

Saddle up!  Today's workout comes from RealfitTV:

Friday, June 28, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Friday's Facts and Findings -- 25 Most Deceiving Exercises

Today's post comes from  You may think by the title that they are going to reveal 25 deceivingly bad exercises, but these exercises are deceiving in a good way--they all target multiple muscle groups and many of them are cardio exercises as well.

A good many of these exercises are the ones my participants groan the most about.  Usually, the more you hate an exercise, the more effective it is because it is using more than one muscle to perform it.

Probably the number one exercise I get flack for is the burpee.

From Shape regarding burpees:

"By combining squat thrusts with a return to standing in between each rep, the burpee is the ultimate full-body exercise. Just one seemingly simple movement challenges the muscles in your chest, arms, thighs, hamstrings, and abs. And because you're using your full body when doing burpees, it's one of the best exercises to burn fat.
Tip: Make your burpees more challenging by adding in a push up before the squat thrust and/or a tuck jump when you come back up to your feet."

The second exercise is a mountain climber:

About mountain climbers:

"I've yet to meet a mountaineer that climbs mountains in this position (a better name would be "Sprinter Stuck at the Starting Line" but I suppose that's not as catchy). Still, there's no denying the power of this exercise that challenges your shoulders and quads and elevates your heart rate. Assume the sprinter starting position—hands on the ground, rear up in the air and one leg bent toward your chest. Alternate which leg is forward, only touching your front toe to the ground before quickly switching sides.
Tip: Put your timer/watch on the ground between your hands, because you won't be able to look at your wrist or up at a clock without breaking your rhythm."

The third exercise is the push up:
About push ups:

"Lowering and raising your body is about as basic as it gets, which leads many people to dismiss push ups as boring or even worse, ineffective. But by using proper form—stomach pulled in toward your back, hands in line with your shoulders—this move becomes a full-body exercise that goes beyond yourchest to work your abs, shoulders, and upper back.
Tip: With hundreds of variations, there's never a reason to be bored. Try plyo push-ups by pushing off your hands to catch a little air for a challenge or keep your elbows tucked in to your sides to work your triceps."

And the fourth and final exercise is the plank:
About planks:

"It doesn't get much easier than holding still. That is, until you try holding still with only your hands and toes touching the ground. To get the most out of this core exercise, make sure you pull your bellybutton in toward your spine and keep your hands in line with your shoulders. Don't let your hips sag—you shouldn't be feeling this in your back.
Tip: Bored of the plain ol' plank? Try lifting up one arm and the opposite leg to really challenge your core and balance."

Gee, do you see a trend here?  Yes, most of my participants are women and these upper body exercises are more challenging for them, but they are very effective.  So, no more eye rolling and groaning, don't quit, do it!

Here's the link to the remaining 21 exercises:  25 Most Deceiving Exercises

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Thursday Total Body: BeFit in 90 --Day 31--New Workouts!!!

For those of you who liked the BeFit in 90 videos, I decided to post the Phase 2 workouts which start on Day 31 of the program.  Phase 2 is progressively harder than Phase 1.  The whole thing is approximately 35 minutes long.

The first video is the 4 minute warm up:

Video #2 is a 10 minute Butt, Legs and Chest workout:

Video #3 is a 10 minute Cardio Booster:

Video #3 is 9 1/2 minute Sports Stretch:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Wednesday's Wild/Warrior Workout -- BeFit in 30 EXTREME

Similar to the BeFit in 90 program, the BeFit in 30 Extreme system is a program that consists of 3 progressive 30 day programs, adding up to a total 90 day challenge.  This is a high-intensity, metabolic-conditioning program that focuses on power, agility and strength to burn fat and build muscle.  It is definitely a step above the BeFit in 90 as far as intensity goes.

I skipped Day 1, which is a leg, thigh and butt workout that I posted on Monday.  This video is Day 3 and is entitled Total Body Weight Loss Workout Level 1 (Calisthenics).  This is a full body workout that combines 3 circuits of 3 exercises that are performed in succession with 30 seconds rest in between.  An Ab burnout circuit concludes the workout.  They do a quick warm up, you may want to do more.  They also do a 3 minute cool down, again, you may want to do more.  Make sure your heart rate is down before you start to stretch--walk around until your breath comes back. 

Remember, listen to your body, modify if you need to.

The second video is the first workout challenge of the program.  It consists of 2 exercises performed back to back for one minute each.  If you do this challenge along with above workout, make sure you walk around for a bit to let your heart rate come down and then do the full body stretch video after the challenge.

If you want to follow this program, here's a link to the workout's calendar: BeFit in 30 EXTREME calendar

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Tuesdays Trunk and Core - Bikini Abs in 10 Minutes, Teddy Bass Workout

LOVE her arms!!!

Today's workout comes via PopSugar.  Teddy Bass is celebrity trainer to Cameron Diaz.  This routine works the entire abdominal area.  It is approximately 10 minutes long.  There is no warm up, so do that first.  If you are doing cardio or other strength work, do that first, if this is the only thing you're doing, after the warm up, you'll be good to go.

There is no cool down stretch, so make sure you take the time to do the lower body stretch at the right sidebar as well.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Monday's Muscle Work -- Lower Body

Today's workout comes from BeFit in 30 Extreme.  It is a workout for your legs, thighs, butt, abs and back.

It is broken down into 4 circuits.  Each circuit contains 3 exercises that you do as many as you can for 60 seconds with a 30 second break between each one.  The first 3 circuits focus on your legs and back, the 4th is an ab burnout.  A warm up is included as well as a cool down and stretch.

You need a set of dumbbells for this routine.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Sunday's Recipe Share -- Healthy Burgers

NO, they are not all turkey or veggie burgers!!!

I love burgers, but they can be so full of fat and calories.  Once again, Cooking Light has come through!  I love this website more and more every day--especially the day I'm writing the recipe share post :)

Cheddar Cheeseburger with Carmelized Shallots

There are recipes for 17 different burgers including those made from beef, lamb, turkey and salmon--something for everyone.

Lamb Burgers with Cilantro Raita

Here's the link to all 17 recipes:  Healthy Grilled Burgers

Another place to find interesting burger recipes is at  Here's a link to her burger recipe page:  Rachel Ray's Burger Recipes 
Note:  these are not "light" recipes.