Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday's Trunk and Core -- Deck of Cards

To show just how versatile the deck of cards workout is from this week's challenge, I've come up with another one that focuses on the core.

Check out yesterday's post to see how it works.  Don't forget the Jokers!!!

Here are your exercises:

Hearts:  Superman/Banana -- count 1 roll from front to back as 1 rep

Here's how it's done:  A.  Lie on your stomach with arms straight out in front of you and legs extended behind you; both should be shoulder-width apart. Lift your legs and arms simultaneously at least 6 inches off the floor; hold for 5 seconds.

B.  Roll onto your back, keeping arms and legs lifted; hold 5 seconds. Then roll onto your stomach and repeat, rolling in the opposite direction.

Form tip: Keep your head in line with your neck, while keeping your neck relaxed, and keep your lower back down as you roll and as you hold the banana position. 

Diamonds:  Standing Knee Tucks -- count doing one tuck each leg as 1 rep.

Here's how it's done:  Stand with feet together. Lift left leg straight back, hinging forward at hips, reaching hands forward by ears; keep hips level and body straight from hands to heel. Using abs, draw left knee in to chest, bending elbows to pull arms down to knee; return to previous position. 

Make it easier: Hold onto chair or counter with one hand. 

Clubs:  Plank with Diagonal Arm Reach -- 1 reach each way = 1 rep.

Here's how it's done:  A. Start in an elbow plank, then walk your legs apart until they are a bit wider than your hips.

B.  Keeping torso stable, lift your right arm up and slightly out on the diagonal. Hold this position for two seconds, then return to elbow plank.  

C.  Repeat with the left arm. This completes one rep.

Form tip:  Keep your bottom down and your head in line with your neck and your shoulders down from your ears.  Reach the arm diagonally straight out of the body, no higher.  If you need to modify, drop to your knees without raising your bottom and continue to do the arm reach.

Spades:  Seated Twists -- twisting to each side = 1 rep.

Here's how:  Sit with knees bent and together, feet lifted to knee level, and arms extended overhead (sit up as tall as possible through spine). Shift weight onto left 'cheek' and press arms down to outside of right hip. Return to start and repeat on opposite side.

Form tip:  To modify, put feet down in between twists or keep them down the whole time.  Really draw your navel into your spine, this will help protect your back.  If being in straight arm plank works better for you, do it that way.


When the joker comes up do this fat blasting cardio move:  Single Leg Plank Hops 1 minute total

Here's how:  Begin in a full plank position. Lift left leg and bend knee, lifting heel to the ceiling (as shown). Bend right knee and then push off right foot to jump up and about 45 degrees to the right, landing lightly on the ball of right foot (left foot should remain in the air during the entire movement). Immediately jump back to the left. Repeat as many times as possible for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

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