Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Thursday Total Body-- Resistance Band Circuit Training

Today I've chosen a total body circuit video that uses the first piece of fitness equipment that I am going to recommend--a resistance band.  If you don't have one, they are relatively inexpensive.  Please don't get it from a sporting goods store (those are overpriced).  I've seen them at Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx, Marshall's, Burlington Coat Factory, even Aldi just to name a few.  They run anywhere from $4 - $8 tops.  They usually come in more than 1 color or resistance--the higher the resistance, the higher the price.  The thicker the tube, the harder the resistance.  I recommend light to medium--you can always make it tighter by taking up more tube in your hand or taking your legs further apart if you are standing on it.  If you get a light one and it gets way too easy, it's not that expensive to get the medium one.  Some stores sell them in sets of 2  or 3, and some even have a video included (these both would be more expensive).

Resistance bands are great because you can vary the resistance as you are doing the exercise.  For example, if you have two feet standing on the tube during arm work and it gets too hard, simply take one of your feet out to make the tube looser, or vice versa if you want to make an exercise harder.  If you were using weights, you'd have to drop one weight to pick up another lighter or heavier one--that also means more equipment.  Bands are also very portable.  You can take it with you on your walk, or even on vacation.

The video I chose is a circuit or interval workout that alternates between strength and cardio segments.  A step is used for the cardio work, but if you don't have one that's ok.  You can use an actual step in your house, or just jump forward and back, or side to side, or do jumping jacks or jogs in place during the cardio portion.

One thing that is VERY important when working on a step is to make sure you come up onto the step with a full, flat foot.  I do have to say that the guys in the video let their heels hang off the edge of the step a lot.  This is bad for a couple of reasons.  First and foremost, it puts a lot of pressure on your calf muscles and your Achilles tendon which could cause injury.  Second, it's easier--so it's cheating.  You'll get a better cardio workout placing your full foot on the step.  Remember you can modify--you don't have to jump, but then you'll have to make your movements bigger and more exaggerated to get your heart rate up during the cardio segments.

There is no real warm up on this video, so as usual march or jog in place, do some squats, shoulder rolls, etc. to warm up for 3 - 5 minutes first.  Remember to stretch your legs--hamstrings and quads, lower back, upper back, chest and shoulders afterward holding each stretch 15-60 seconds.  I have added a link to the stretch video that I posted last week on the right sidebar for quick reference.


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