Monday, September 23, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Monday's Muscle Work -- Arms on Fire

Even though tank top season is coming to a close, that doesn't mean that you stop working those arms.

I found another video from Cassey Ho from the blogilates channel on YouTube.  She taught the Pilates arms workout that I posted a couple of weeks ago.  This workout is part of an "On Fire" series.  This one is called "Arms on Fire."  Oh yeah, you're muscles will be burning!!!

There is no warm up--please do one.  Take time to stretch afterward as well--stretch your arms, your upper and lower back, your chest and your wrists.  This workout can be done alone, or along with some cardio or legwork.

Here's a printout of the exercises (I found it by Googling "arms on fire")

Here's an "On Fire" workout calendar that she has posted on the blogilates website.
Here's a link to the website to see a larger view and print if desired:

This is a beginner's workout calendar that is also available on the website:

Here's a link to the website with the calendar for a larger view and printable option:

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