Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Thursday's Total Body/Cardio -- Bodyweight Workout

I found a new channel on YouTube called LiveExercise.  There are over 700 videos posted from this channel.

This is a total body workout that uses bodyweight only.  The great thing about doing these types of exercises is that your heart rate goes up.  When you use the big muscles in your body, you use more energy and it becomes a cardio workout as well.  It is broken into 3 segments.  Each segment is repeated 3 times.

I have a couple of form tips while doing this workout; when doing lunges, keep your shoulders back and in line with your hips, dropping that back knee straight towards the floor.  You don't have to go as fast or as low as she does--go as fast and as deep as you can with good form.

When doing push-ups, whether they are on your toes or knees, keep your head in line with your neck.  As you get tired, you're going to want to let your head drop--keep it level--she drops her head a lot.  The same goes for when you are doing the mountain climbers, plank push-ups and plank jacks.  You want alignment from the back of your head all the way to your heels.

When doing the side planks, one modification she didn't mention is to put your knee down while keeping your hips up.

You can go to your knees on the plank push-ups if they start to get too hard.

For the V-ups, only take your legs down as far as your back will allow--as soon as you feel your back arching off the mat--stop--taking your legs further can lead to back pain. Try to clear your shoulder blades as you reach for the toes.

There isn't much of a warm-up--I'd do more.  Also, walk around a bit before going into the stretch to let your heart rate come down a bit.  She only stretches lower body--you need to stretch your upper body as well--chest, upper back, shoulders, biceps and triceps.

I like the fact that the workout is challenging for her as well--she's human.   Although she does say that she just had a baby 8 weeks ago--YIKES!  I remember my first days back after having Jeff--it was hard!!!

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