Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Wednesday's Wild/Warrior Workout -- Sandbag Training

Have you ever considered running an obstacle course?  I can't say that I have.  They are becoming more and more popular--one, called the "Tough Mudder" actually has you doing the whole course in the mud...sounds like fun?!

Anyway, today's video from Psychetruth uses a "sandbag" to help train for this kind of race.  Now, you don't need a sandbag, or to be signed up for an obstacle course to do this workout.  In place of a sandbag, just fill a duffle bag with some books, magazines or something that's not super hard to make it about 15-20 lbs. Sandbag exercises are very popular in CrossFit and Boot Camp training.

The uneven weight of the bag with all the stuff inside shifting around a bit makes it more challenging for your muscles to control.  It's important to work your muscles differently.  Always doing the same thing will cause your muscle strength and endurance to "plateau" just like weight loss can.  I think this is a great idea and one I can cheaply incorporate into my training sessions.

There is no warm up, so please do one first.  This could be done more than the 2 times she does it as a HIIT workout, just add some additional rest period in between each exercise.

A couple of form cues:  Again, when doing squats, do not let your bottom drop below your knees, keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

Do not lift your feet off the ground when doing sit ups.  When you do this, instead of using your core you are using momentum.   If this bothers your back, try doing it without holding the bag--once you come to sitting up, pick the bag up and slam it down. If it still bothers your back, only come up part way 10 times and then sit up and slam the bag 10 times, doing the moves separate from one another.

When doing the burpees, as you lift the bag overhead, keep your arms a little bit to the front.  Don't take your arms past your ears.

There is no cool down or stretch either--walk around a bit until your heart rate comes down and do a full body stretch after--especially if you've done it more than twice.

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