Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday's Total Body/Cardio -- Cardio Barre Introductory Workout

Today's workout comes from Lionsgate BeFit.  It is a beginner cardio barre total body routine.  You don't have to have a bar to do this routine--you can use a high back chair, a counter top, or even a wall.

From the description on YouTube:

"Cardio Barre: Introductory Workout is a unique, 20 minute high energy/no impact exercise routine that combines dance-inspired barre work and light weights with continual fat burning motion to tone the entire body, strengthen the core, and kick start your weight loss potential. Cardio Barre, Hollywood's Hottest Workout guides you through several basic moves that will activate the abdominals to build a strong core, promote beautiful posture, and improve balance. You will sculpt lean muscle and slim the waistline while toning the hips, thighs, abs, legs, chest, arms, calves, obliques,"

Just a couple of form tips:  Pulses and bounces are two different things. You want all moves, even the small ones to be controlled.

Some of the moves are kind of fast, which will make it more cardio, however, do it at your own pace, remember-- form is more important than speed always.

Feel free to wear shoes if you'd like, but they are not necessary.  When doing balance work it's actually easier to go barefoot because you can grip with your toes.

On the abdominal crunches, keep your elbows back in line your ears.

When you are on your side, make sure to stay lifted out of that bottom shoulder--no slouching!

You need one lighter weight.  A warm up and stretch are both provided.

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