Friday, April 12, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Friday Facts and Findings -- Cardio and Strength Training for Weight Loss

Going in line with my post last Friday that Exercise Prevents Disease, I found this video that helps describe the importance of strength training along with interval cardio workouts to burn fat more efficiently than loooooooong cardio workouts alone.


Here's a sample of an easy to follow circuit training/interval workout in print instead of video that you can follow.  Like she said in the video, there are many equipment options for strength training.  Here, again, you are using your own body weight--by now I'm sure you realize this is my preference.  Why?  Because your own body weight will give you much more resistance than a 5-10 lb. dumbbell will, and you always have it with you, so you can do this anywhere, no excuses!  Plus you don't have to worry about how much weight to lift and if you are lifting correctly.  Of course I want you to always do every exercise with achieving perfect form in mind.  Eventually I will post more videos that use free weights, but since you are doing this at home on your own, I want you to be able to use what you have.

Do as many of each exercise listed as you can for 1 minute.  Try to rest as little as possible in between exercises until you get through all 9.  Okay, change into your workout clothes, put on some of that music you just downloaded and GO!!! 

FYI-- to do an inchworm--start in standing position, roll down, bending at the waist until your hands come to the floor--walk out to plank position--either walk the hands back and stand up or walk the feet in towards your hands and stand up.

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