Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Thursday's Total Body--Walking

I realized that some of the videos that I posted previously may have been a bit advanced for some people.  So, I decided to post one of Leslie Sansone's Walking videos.  She has made many walking videos with ranges from 3 to 5 miles.  The great thing about these videos is that you can do the walking in your own living room.  In this video, she incorporates the use of a "special" exercise band that is attached to a belt.  If you have a regular resistance band, you can do the exercises with the band around your waist or upper back and you will get the same benefits.  While you are walking, just put the band around your neck and hold onto the handles--it won't go anywhere.  Leslie is very bubbly, chatty and quirky, but in a good way.  She constantly reminds you about your posture and form--which is the way I teach as well.  She keeps it fun and light.  If this type of routine was taught by someone very serious, it could get very boring, very quickly.  This video runs about 45 mins (there's a short commercial for the resistance band belt at the beginning) and you will walk approximately 3 miles.

You could also do this video as a recovery workout if you did a more challenging workout the day before, but still want to do something.  Or if you did a shorter high intensity workout of only 20 minutes or so, you could do this workout in addition to further burn calories and fat without having to do any higher impact moves, thus avoiding potential injury. If you already did resistance training, you could easily do this workout without the band and just focus on getting the cardio work in.

She cools you down, but doesn't stretch at the end, so once again, I'd do the stretch video following this routine.

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