Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Tuesday Trunk and Core

Who remembers Tae Bo?  Well, Billy Blanks--the founder of Tae Bo is still going strong.  I found an Ab Boot Camp workout from him on YouTube that really hones in on the abdominal muscles.  I could only find it divided into 4 separate segments.  I'm posting segments 1, 2 and 3.  Segment 4 is pretty advanced--there are some exercises there that can really hurt your lower back if not done properly (if you want to view it, it should show up in the side bar when you are doing the other segments).  Instead, I suggest doing some planks-- which again is one of if not the best core exercise you can do--holding each one for 15 seconds up to a minute each--doing as many as you can with good form.

I'm not a fan of all the counting done during the workout, but I understand his point--if you are counting, you are breathing--so once again--make sure you BREATHE!!!  If you don't want to count, make sure you are exhaling when they are counting out the number.  The counting also allows him to give more instruction during the video and  not have to worry about what rep you're on.  Note--he does this in all his videos.

I also don't like some of the stretches that he chose to do at the end--so I added a stretch video that focuses on stretching the lower body.

**Do the warm up video first**

Segments 1 and 2 are both done standing; this helps keep it cardio which equals fat burning.

Segment 3 is done on the floor
I couldn't get the video to load here, so click the link title and it will take you to the video

Here's a stretch video that focuses on  your lower body.

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