Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Tuesday Trunk & Core- Ab Power Workout 1: Ripped

How many pictures of abs can I find on the internet--TONS!!!

Why are they smiling???!!!

Today's video is only 10 minutes long and focuses on core exercises.  It is a progressive workout, that takes you through two, four minute circuits with one minute rest in between.  Since you are doing the exercises without stopping you will get a bit of a cardio workout as well.  The exercises in circuit 2 are at a higher level than circuit 1. If the progression is too much at first, go back to the exercise/s in circuit 1 until you can do the more advanced level.  You can do this video after a cardio, upper or lower body (as long as it isn't core) workout or by itself.  If you do it alone, please do a warm up first.  Also, make sure to stretch your abs and lower back afterward.

They use "30 day 6 pack" in the title--please know that doing this video alone will not accomplish that.  You have to watch your calorie intake and do additional cardio and strength training--even then, if you have more than 10 pounds to lose, 30 days is not long enough.

Just ask yourself, how long did it take me to get this way?  Unfortunately, it's going to take a lot longer to undo it.  You'll see changes in your body in 30 days, but a 6 pack is not going to magically appear.  Slow and steady weight loss is still the best assurance that you will keep it off.  This is mainly because changes in your diet and your workout schedule need to be permanent, not something you start and then 30 days later you stop.  These changes need to be for life.  So don't adopt any changes you can't stick to. That's why it's so important to find food substitutions/portions you can live with and workouts that you enjoy.  It will make going through the process that much easier.  It shouldn't feel like torture or sacrifice.  It should feel like accomplishment and well-being.

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