Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Saturday Something Different -- Madonna's Chair Workout

You will never look at a chair quite the same way again!

Whenever I pull out chairs for the strength training portion of my class, I hear groans and "not the chair!"

All you need for this workout is an armless chair.  Make sure it is on a surface where it won't slide.  If you have a yoga mat, set the chair on top of that.  Otherwise, depending on the surface at bottom the chair legs, carpeting or tile will be better--see which one has better traction.

These are just a few exercises that you can do using a chair--and no, you won't be sitting!!!  This video is from PopSugar.  Please do a warm up first.

I first saw this workout in Fitness Magazine.  Here's that workout.  Only one of the exercises is repeated from the above video.

If you want to add more cardiovascular work to the routine, do 30-60 secs of sitting down/standing up in between each exercise--keeping your chest lifted and feet planted firmly on the ground as you do so, going as fast as you can with control.

Don't forget to stretch!!!

Want to see more?  Go to YouTube and type in "chair workout" or "chair exercises"--there's lots to choose from!

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