Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Something Different Saturday: The Animal Flow Workout

Which animal are you meant to be?

This workout from Shape Magazine was posted on facebook the other day and I found it quite intriguing.

Here's the opening paragraph regarding the workout from Shape's website:

"Primal-style workouts are one of the hottest new fitness trends—and with good reason! Exercises that use the environment to inspire "natural" movement are not only more fun than traditional strength moves, but they also challenge your entire body at once. And when you work everything from head to toe, you burn major calories."

The routine consists of  9 moves that are based on animals with names like "side-traveling ape" and "the traveling beast" (some of them are taken from yoga--crab and scorpion). These moves are to be done one right after another without any rest which is what a flow workout is.  The whole circuit should be done twice.  It is meant to "build strength, endurance, flexibility and power at the same time."

Unfortunately, this is not a video workout, but the moves are explained well in the side bar of each set of pictures.  It might take a few times to really get the routine to "flow".

If you've got little ones at home, this would be a fun workout to do with them.  As always, do a warm up first and a stretch after.

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