Monday, July 1, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Monday's Muscle Work -- 30 Day Butt Lift

Here's another video series from BeFit!  This one is called the "30 Day Butt Lift."  This program is not only meant to shape your bottom, but also the rest of your body.  You'll burn fat and calories as well because you'll be using your leg muscles which are the largest muscles in your body.

The following video is an introduction to the program:

The first workout video is approximately 11 minutes long called Butt Workout 1:  Tone Up.

There is no warm up or cooldown included so please do those on your own.  For this workout, the trainer uses weights, but if you don't have any it's really not a big deal, and a sturdy chair.

Here's a link to the 30 day calendar:  30 Day Butt Lift

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