Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Saturday's Stretch and Flexibility --Yoga Infused Stretch

Today's video is another workout from FitnessBlender.  It is called "Goodbye Stress Calming Stretch Workout--Yoga-Infused Stretching Routine."

I chose this video because, unlike other yoga videos that I've posted, this one is more for the beginner.  It is described as a fluid type routine, but it really isn't.  One pose does not flow into the next within one breath like other yoga workouts.  She moves from one pose to the next holding each pose for 20 seconds, taking deep breaths as she holds each.

A couple of form issues:  She is very flexible--during Downward Facing Dog, she is able to get both of her heels down--this is your aim.  Most of us won't be able to get our heels down.  During the extension, you may be able to get the heel down.

During Cobra, do not lock out your elbows.  You want your arms straight, but not locked.  You NEVER want to lock out a joint, and don't take your head so far back--you don't want to hurt your neck.

If Pigeon bothers your knee or you hip, you can slide a pillow or cushion under your bottom (on the side with the leg bent to the front)--if you were following, we did this pose last week.

In Pigeon Twist, push the foot into your hand rather than pulling that foot into your bottom.  As stated before, don't want to lock (hyperextend) a joint, and you don't want to overbend (hyperflex) a joint either.  Keep the knee at more of a 90 degree angle.

In Child's Pose, you can add a cushion under your bottom if this pose bothers your knees.

In the Single Leg Hamstring Stretch, keep your chest lifted and your shoulders back and down.  Rounding over like she does makes it more of a lower back stretch.  If it's too much stretch, bend your knee slightly--otherwise keep the knee straight, but not locked.  The other leg doesn't have to be tucked in too closely, just bend the knee.

For the Glute Stretch, once again, if this bothers your knee or hip, add the cushion underneath--adjust until it feels good.

Knee Hugs--hug behind the knees at the thighs--again protecting your knees from hyperflexion.

Do NOT do the backbend--the risks outweigh the benefits for a beginner.

Torso Twist--turn your head in the opposite direction of the leg/s going over--this will help you keep your shoulders down.

Full body stretch--inhale as you stretch, exhale as you relax.

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