Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Wednesday's Wild/Warrior Workout -- Berserker HIIT Workout

Today's workout is from FitnessBlender and is called "Berserker HIIT Workout."

It is an intense interval workout that consists of 4 groups of 1 minute of some form of jumping jack, 30 seconds of a body weight exercise, and 30 seconds of active recovery (lightly jogging in place) doing each group 2x.

If you have knee, hip or back problems and can't jump, do modified jacks by either doing heel jacks or squats with the jumping jack arms.

You can modify the Mountain Climbers by performing them on something elevated a stair, sturdy chair or coffee table.  Same modification can be made for the Lizard Hop.

To modify the Star Jumps, do a squat pushing your arms up as explosively as you can.

No warm up or cool down is included, please do these on your own.  You can follow the videos on the lower right side bar.

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