Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday's Recipe Share -- Baileys (Kahlua) Cheesecake Bites

Had a super busy weekend--too busy to post yesterday.  I'll post a bonus stretch at the end.

Today I'm going to share an incredibly yummy recipe that I made for dessert last week for my mom's birthday party.  I did get a small cake surrounded by cupcakes, but since I'm not eating grains, I decided to make this so I could indulge in dessert as well!

It is based on this recipe from Things My Belly Likes, but I changed it from Bailey's Cheesecake Bites to Kahlua Cheesecake Bites (that was the only substitution I made to the recipe posted) and added a layer of chocolate ganache to the top.  Oh my goodness, were they good!!!  They are completely grain free.  Click on the link below for the cheesecake recipe.

For the chocolate ganache, I warmed up a 1/2 cup of canned coconut milk until it started to bubble--you could sub with any other type of milk you'd like.  In a glass bowl I had 1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips and a tablespoon of butter.  I poured the warm milk over the chocolate and butter and whisked until smooth.  I then refrigerated this for about 20 minutes so that it would thicken up a bit, but still be pourable.  I poured this over the top of the cooled cheesecake (I made the cheesecake the day before) and smoothed it out.  I then put it back in the fridge to set--it's beautifully smooth and glossy. Another option is to put the ganache into a pastry bag and then leave it in the fridge a bit longer until it's thick enough to pipe onto the cake in patterns--a criss-cross diamond grid, stars or swirls, whatever you like.

Here's what mine looked like:

Mine did crack as it cooled, but with the ganache topping, you couldn't tell.  I think I'm going to make Rumchata bites next!  I have some eggnog and pumpkin flavored cream liquors as well--I think they'll make for some tasty experiments as well!

Here's the bonus stretch video to make up for yesterday:  Stretches for Low Back and Sciatica Pain

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