Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fitness Tip of the Day: Wednesday's Wild Workout -- Fitness 550 rep outdoor workout

Okay, how is he doing this?

Today's intense workout is done outside at a park, however, only one piece of park equipment is used, so you don't have to be at a park to do this workout.

The workout consists of 10 exercises for a total of 550 reps.  After each set, she does a hill run down and back--if you aren't near a hill, you could just jog in place.  If you are inside and have stairs, you could go up and down the stairs once or twice depending on how many there are.

She gives lots of modifications, do this at your own pace, pause the video until you are finished with the exercise and then start it up again.

There is no warm up or cool down included, so please do those--they are really important!

550 Rep Workout

Make sure you stay hydrated, whether you are outside or not, this is an intense workout.

I also found this video when I searched "crazy workouts."  When we lived in Des Plaines, there was a park near us that had workout stations like this one, although we never did some of the crazy stuff this guy does.  How does he jump so high???!!!

Crazy Park Workout

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